Nestled among the tree lined streets of Doylestown, PA, the heart of Bucks County, is Shop Sixty Five, a veritable treasure trove of the most desirable labels in the fashion industry. Former celebrity stylist, Linda LaRosa, has edited a collection of the season's best not often found this side of Manhattan.

Saturday, February 25, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Introducing the Kiss Cuff
The newest addition to the Ilsa Loves Rick line is the Kiss Cuff a delicate hand forged bracelet that looks perfect on its own or worn with your favorite wrap. You can see the entire collection at www.ilssalovesrick.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Must See: Zoe Strauss "Ten Years" at the PMA
The Philadelphia Museum of Art January 14, 2012 - April 22, 2012
Zoe Strauss: Ten Years
Currently on view at the PMA is a complex and moving group of photographs by Zoe Strauss that gives fresh weight and resonance to the 99% zeitgeist. The exhibit focuses on her ten year long project to shoot and show photographs in a space beneath a section of Interstate-95 (I-95) in South Philadelphia. Strauss’s subjects are broad but her primary focus is on working-class experience, including the most disenfranchised people and places. Her photographs offer a poignant, troubling portrait of contemporary America.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Jewel Box Tour: Alexis Frankel (Renaissance Woman)
Alexis is one of those women every one of us needs to have as a friend. Whip smart, incredibly generous, thoughtful and honest, she will get your back, prop you up, do you a solid, all the while looking the very essence of a modern urban-luxe-sophisticate.. A classicist by training, Alexis spends her days translating ancient Roman texts and tutoring students of all ages. She is also the go-to person when you need to find that special something - a bauble, a bag, the perfect AG jeans, from this season or last. She is a whiz at locating and sourcing the impossible finds. Were she not a brilliant scholar, she would be a personal shopper with uncanny super powers and style to spare. Always the best dressed woman in the room, whether it is a Carnegie Hall recital or an afternoon of shopping on Rittenhouse, Alexis, is a style icon in her own right.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
The Creatives: An Interview With Sarah Nuttall
In a couple of weeks The Forgiveness of Blood the new film by director Joshua Marsten of Maria Full of Grace fame, will begin its theatrical release stateside. One of the woman responsible for that release is Sarah Nuttall, International Sales & Distribution for Fandango Portobello, a sales agency and film financier, headquartered in London. I had been hearing for years about her fabulous self from folks lucky enough to work with her and finally had the chance to spend a lovely day with her ( and Louie her brilliant and charming publisher husband) in Hastings over the Christmas holiday. As it turned out I had been to Hastings (an impossibly perfect sea port town) years earlier when I was living in Hove, near Brighton. So when we had the opportunity to visit again, I was over the moon. Sarah, fabulous indeed, is also smart, beautiful, and stylish, not to mention, a gracious host. It was a smashing time, filled with champaigne, meandering walks on the cliffs and through town, and breakneck paced conversation over gorgeous food. I had the most fun I have had in a long time, hating to leave, but happy to have a new friend.
What do you see trending now in fashion?
My life is a little too ridiculously locationed to answer this sensibly. During the week, I live in Shoreditch, which next to Brooklyn is probably the trendiest hood on the planet. It's teeming with young fashionistas, experimental haircuts (occassionally unaccompanied), beautiful students with seemingly limitless wealth and time. Even on a dreary Tuesday it feels like you are not walking down a street so much as holding your breath as you dash through an open casting session for a super cool pop video. They make so much Effort. Consequently I cannot refer to them to see what's trending because they are 1000 years ahead of the rest of the world and so tiny they can literally wear anything. So I struggle through this exotic display of protazoa down into the tube where everyone looks like they walked out of the same 5 wardrobes and pop out at super posh Holland Park, where as far as I can tell black labradors are trending along with South East Asian nannies and Polish cleaners. The yummy mummies gathered around the local pre-school gates are so rich they don't even bother to get dressed properly and just turn up in $1000 tracksuits to bray about their ringletted offsprings' potato painting skills. One day I hope to see an actual fight. Then at the weekends I go to our cottage in Hastings. A town on the south coast of England, written off as a dump by the majority, known to the minority who live there as spellbingingly free and lovely. It's like 1967. Particularly the old town, which is host to the most beautiful and creative shopkeepers. The trick is property is cheap and they can afford to take risks that would otherwise be impossible in a more commercial, prosperous town. They own beautifully curated antique shops, piled high junk shops, personally prepared vintage shops and nearly new, flowers, cards, pottery, galleries, cafes and Belle's Bicycles which is inspired and not remotely cynical. Good for her! I always think when I walk past. The town is home to loads of creative and artistic types, some actually quite important elsewhere. It's very "individual" as you would quickly glean from the fantastic home made costumes they pour into on any of the many dressing up occassions the town hosts (6000 people dress as pirates for one day in August - I am not joking - it's awesome!). It's a make your own fun, make your own style kind of 'island' community, uncorrupted by the demented sirens of Grazia and similar weekly fashion rags. Everyone's wardrobes are the work of years of salvage, blind love, lack of money and nerve. Not the dim witted accummulation of this month's "must haves" (see 'tube' dwellers). So, in short I have no idea what is trending in the real world. Crinolines?
When was the last time you had a fashion epiphany?
When I walked into my friend Lieda's beautiful shop Warp and Weft and shouted "I don't care what anyone thinks I want to dress like a boy! Fuck them all" But I am currently obsessed with finding a tweed skirt, fitted with one or three pleats at the front. Go tell it to Aunt Frumpton. It's all because of my 60s sheepskin car coat which Louis (partner) says make me look eerily like his granny and excessive reading about late 50s/early 60s music business.
What is your favorite High brand?
Hmm does not apply. I have yet to break the £80 barrier on a decent jumper. No, actually make that £50 and the one I just bought and am obsesssed with is a £45 vintage, home made, blue and white striped french jumper with sailor buttons on one shoulder. The knitter of which obviously ran out of wool three quarters of the way down the sleeves. It's not remotely flattering but it feeds my clifftop dwelling sheep farmer fantasy. It just doesn't make sense to me to spend serious money on new clothes as I never like one thing long enough to justify it. The only thing I could justify splurging on would be the ultimate, all dreams fulfilled leather bag - I have a savings account especially for when that miracle happens and it WILL. O, actually I do have a high brand in the Chelsea/Kensington sense - Hunter wellies. Navy blue ones covered in real mud - I wish I could wear them to work.
And your low brand?
Wow, how low do you want to go. Like anyone with an ego, I find shopping for jeans a total and utter hideous nightmare, certain to destroy whatever self esteem was left after the last pair, erm, shrunk. Cellulite dimples amplified in dressing room lighting in THREE WAY MIRRORS. Kill me. Anyway, one day last year I discovered a pair of 'jeans' (if denim is an actual material they they cannot claim to be this) that fitted me perfectly in a cheap British shop called New Look! So I bought 6 pairs. Job done for the next 10 years subject to controlling my intake of petits fours. If they ever stop the line I will take a New Look seamstress (age 6 and a half) hostage and force her to run me up a few spares then give her jelly and ice cream.
How do you mix high and low?
With a spoon.
What is your go-to uniform for a day of work?
Jeans and jumpers mainly. Really dull. I have been better this year but last year I literally had 12 of the same v neck from uniqlo in different dark colours and wore them every day. It was like some sort of fashion OCD. I change my bag around but otherwise am content to wear essentially the same thing so I don't have to think about it in the mornings. I rarely see anyone other than my 3 colleagues and certainly have no one to impress so why bother. And as you can see from the above, competing on the London streets with Miss Time and Madam Money is pointless. The pressure is on when I have to go to film fesivals and markets and - horror - have meetings or double horror - go to a premiere. I think I have packed the same things for three years in a row now. I have two black chiffon vintage dresses for the screenings, and some 'clean clothes' for the meetings and Gap men's trousers for smart. Ha! I fool no one, I can assure you.
The weekend?
Joy, rapture. Car coat, wellies, stripey jumper, jeans. This is the basic structure regardless of what's happening and I am wearing it right now. Again. I will wear it to go out to the cinema and dinner tonight and you know what, in Hastings, no one cares. Just like it wouldn't care if I went to breakfast in a ball gown. What a town!
What is your favorite ILR piece and why?
The first time I met Gaby, she was were wearing the most beautiful rings, primitive and elegant. I have not seen more of her pieces for real but I know I will buy from ILR one day and it will be something I will cheerfully wear every day (with my v necks - she will be so proud)
Who are your style icons?
Who are your style icons?
Hasting old towners because they genuinly don't give a toss and still look fantastic and weather beaten. And a bit bonkers. In the Fisherman's Museum there are pictures of old bearded men from the early 20th century in rough canvas tunics, battered leather boots that weigh more than me and oilskin trousers smoking pipes. It's like window shopping on Bond Street. And Marie Antoinette.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Must See: Reforesting an Homage to Gil Ott at The Painted Bride
"Reforesting: An Homage to Gill Ott is a collaboration between poet Julia Blumenreich and artist Wendy Osterweil. A multi-layered art installation includes a forest of silk screened "spirit trees", papercuts that conjure light and shadow in a forest environment, a wall of sycamore tree bark, "teaskin" composed of stitched and embroidered tea bag paper and an ethereal boat signifying passage to the next world. Refroesting represents a dialogue bewtween Wendy and Julia, in response to Julia's suite of 16 poems investigating grief and loss. Gil Ott (1950-2004), a poet with over a dozen published biiks and an community arts activist, is the late husband of Julia."
At the Painted Bride Art Center through March 17, 2012. Poetry Event: February 26, 3-4:30 pm.
At the Painted Bride Art Center through March 17, 2012. Poetry Event: February 26, 3-4:30 pm.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Home Tour: Rebecca Bancroft of Trove Decor
One of the things that so many of us who live in Newtown Borough have in common is a hearty nostalgia for Mayberry RFD. Porch culture, back yard bar-b-ques, pick up soft ball games, summer outdoor movie nights, parades for nearly every occassion, Santa arriving on the volunteer fire truck, and market day where you can get the best hand made kettle corn made since, I don't know, 1800? Its draws us in and keeps us here. So do the folks we get to call neighbors. I moved next door to Rebecca in 1996, she is unfailingly generous and throws a mean party, for 4, 10, or 50! The first person at your door with warm muffins, or fresh cut flowers "just because", she is equal parts welcoming committee, concerned citizen, and mother's helper should you need her. I like to call her the mayor. With three children and as many pets under foot, Rebecca (along with her two partners who you'll see here in the coming months) has slowly grown one of the most compelling and original home furnishing companies into something of a mecca for the house proud among us. Their recent invite as taste makers onto One Kings Lane, has launched them to a much wider (and national ) audience, making their re-purposed found furnishings all the more covetable. Here is a little peek into the home where all the magic happens.
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